Hindi Translationवेद शास्त्र आगम पुराण सब
धाने कूटने से निकले चूरा भूसा देखो।
इन्हें कूटना क्यों, ओंकना क्यों?
इधर-उधर बहते मन का सिर काटे तो
खोखला मैदान चेन्नमल्लिकार्जुना।
Translated by: Eswara Sharma M and Govindarao B N
English Translation Look you, all scriptures and all holp lore
Are pounded chaff and husk of broken rice !
Why should I pound them, then ?
If I should tear the tendot of this mind
That fevers here and there,
It is the stark and empty Void,
O Cenna Mallikarjuna !Translated by: Dr. Sarojini Shintri